Monday, February 23, 2009

TLKM 230209

BASED ON TECHNICAL ONLY YOU HAVE YOUR OWN RISK (Close your ears close your mouth, open your eyes open your imagination. TA is an art)

Monday, February 16, 2009

Share Prediction 180209 (SULI, BRPT, INKP, SMCB)

PEMILU kebutuhan akan kertas naek, apalagi lagi kejar target berapapun harganya dibeli...

BASED ON TECHNICAL ONLY YOU HAVE YOUR OWN RISK (Close your ears close your mouth, open your eyes open your imagination. TA is an art)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine 14th


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

INDF 110209 After Market

Pesenannya Billy
BASED ON TECHNICAL ONLY YOU HAVE YOUR OWN RISK (Close your ears close your mouth, open your eyes open your imagination. TA is an art)

Share Prediciton 110209 (2)

Pesenannya Morning Star
BASED ON TECHNICAL ONLY YOU HAVE YOUR OWN RISK (Close your ears close your mouth, open your eyes open your imagination. TA is an art)

Share Prediction 110209 (1)

Pesenannya RIKI
BASED ON TECHNICAL ONLY YOU HAVE YOUR OWN RISK (Close your ears close your mouth, open your eyes open your imagination. TA is an art)

Monday, February 09, 2009

Share Prediction 100209

Pesenannya RIKI

BASED ON TECHNICAL ONLY YOU HAVE YOUR OWN RISK (Close your ears close your mouth, open your eyes open your imagination. TA is an art)

Thursday, February 05, 2009


Note : sorry baru nyadar tadi sore cepet2 posting, baru buka lagih jam 01.00

BASED ON TECHNICAL ONLY YOU HAVE YOUR OWN RISK (Close your ears close your mouth, open your eyes open your imagination. TA is an art)

TLKM & KLBF 050209

BASED ON TECHNICAL ONLY YOU HAVE YOUR OWN RISK (Close your ears close your mouth, open your eyes open your imagination. TA is an art)

Share Prediction 050209

BASED ON TECHNICAL ONLY YOU HAVE YOUR OWN RISK (Close your ears close your mouth, open your eyes open your imagination. TA is an art)